Enjoying old lenses.

So, you have a Canon EF 35-70 f/3.5-4.5 lens, from 1988. Let’s have some fun with it. Pretend that it’s really a 210mm Kodak f/6.3, and your EOS DSLR is a 4X5” view camera. Set for aperture priority, f/7.1, auto ISO. Crank the lens to 70mm, and you’re moving back in time. What sort of pictures will it produce?

Photograph with this lens.

Not bad! We’ve gotten used to carrying big, wide aperture glass, and forgotten that modest lenses deliver equal goods at f8, plus or minus a stop. Get out in the sunlight, and enjoy that old one. You may be pleasantly surprised by its performance.

The lens used in this example was the “A” (auto focus only) version, bought used in 2023 for $50. It is actually quite decent across its range. Small size – and very light weight – make it an agreeable companion.